Monday, October 11, 2010

Phuket Trip - Day 2: Loh Samah Bay, Viking Cave, Pileh Cove and Phi Phi Don

After having fun at Maya Bay, we got back to the boat and continue our journey. Before we left, the tour guide do a fast head count. 1 person was missing. He count again and came out with the same result. Confused, he asked us whether we've lost a member of our group. It came out that a child was sitting on the dock and cover up her body with a big sheet of fabric. So we continue our trip to a place called Loh Samah Bay.

After 15 minutes speeding in the sea, the speedboat stopped. I stood up looked out the window and saw so many colourful fish in the crystal clear water. People were queuing to got out from the boat through the back side of the boat. I asked the guide for permission to jump to the sea through the dock. I said that we can jump to the water from any side of the boat :) so I jump. Girls queued and jumped from the back of the boat. Ci El didn't want to release her hand from the boat even after the boys assure her that we are going to hold her x_x. After snorkel for a while, we went up and feed the fishes from the boat. It was really beautiful. Pity we can't take a picture of these events since we were all wet >.<

Done with snorkling, we resume our journey through Pileh cove to Viking cave. We didn't stop, we just past by and explained by the tour guide. Viking cave is a cave where the famous and expensive chinese bird nest farmed. Then the tour staff offer us some snacks. It was a pineapple cookies. We reached the next destination: Monkey beach. The monkeys were not at the beach, in fact they were hanging on the trees just above the sea, some dropped to the water, but they can swim!!!! we can throw the pineapple cookies to the monkey and they will try to catch it.

The next stop was lunch at Phi Phi Don. We stopped there and have lunch at Phi Phi Banyan Villa. We could shower and go to the hotel's toilet. After we done with the shower and toilet business. We went to the restaurant. We should sit according with our number (sit with the same member in the van). The food there were not bad, however, it was really funny that they serve spaghetti between those Thai food. We found out that the Tom Yum Goong, although look bad, taste great!!

Done with the lunch, we decided to walk for a while and buy some souvenirs. FYI, shirt with the word "PhiPhi" can only found in Phi Phi island, so, buy it there if you are interested. The price for the shirt here was more expensive than the one in Phuket, but since you won't find it in Phuket, a bit expensive shirt will not be any problem at all, right?

By the time we finished shop some souvenirs, we decided to get back to the restaurant to make sure that we could hear the tour guide's whistle. We discussed about what to do once we got back to Phuket at the restaurant. When the whistle blown, we get back to the speedboat and head to our last stop of this tour, Khai Island.

Conversation at the Restaurant


  1. i lost my PhiPhi shirt! DANG!!!

  2. Kemanain kira2 yah ju??? Coba diinget2 kemana hiu lucu itu pergi :D
